

Welcome to Southern Horse Meets Northern Girl. My name is Suzanne and I am the Northern Girl. Twenty years ago, my family moved from New York to Virginia and we soon entered the horse world as newbies. If not for the welcoming and talented horse people of Southside Virginia, we’d been blubbering messes.

This site honors the horse and the people who love them. Here you will find four categories with a focus on the Mid-Atlantic area. Community & News will feature posts of the real experts (I am far from one and still learning). Adventures will chronicle any fun event or experience involving a horse. The Art category will explore books, movies, photography, original fiction and any other art form centering on the horse. And finally, in Home & Barn I will share my own continuing story with everything from my horses, riding, barn and home upkeep, and my crazy, busy life with my family and pets. I hope you will join me as we celebrate that noble and mystical creature, the horse.

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