Home & Barn

Meet the Gang

Animals have been a near constant in my life. Dogs of all sizes, tanks of fish, a rude hamster, cats in every shade but yellow, have followed me from girlhood to motherhood. Moving to Virginia did not change the animal parade, but did expand the variety to include chickens, guineas and of course horses. Cora was our first (more on that sweet girl later) and just like the saying you can’t just have one…a few have passed through my barn. Here are the current residents of the farm.



 Mae is a nineteen year old American Quarter Horse mare.  She was born on my a close friend’s farm, where I took lessons for years. She was a complete accident. My friend opened the front door to find her best schoolmaster Josie, standing docilely and rather smugly next to their new stud Dusty. Eleven months later, Mae came into the world.  She grew into a beauty with a coat that gleamed like a shiny apple. When I met Mae, she was just beginning her under saddle training with a talented young rider. I remember their early canter work. Mae would buck every other stride around the ring. They competed locally in hunter shows and did well at the Virginia 4-H State Championships. In time, the rider left for college and Mae became the stable favorite. I began to ride her in the summer of 2016. It usually takes me a bit of time to warm up to a new horse and Mae was no exception. But in a few months I began to appreciate her laid-back attitude. Some may call it lazy, but she will still buck in the canter very now and again just to let you know she still got it. Two years ago a heart attack scare led my friend to begin downsizing her farm. Mae and her pasture mate Star came to live with me. I ride her a couple times a week, usually early mornings before the southern sun kicks in and it’s mostly flat work, a bit of trail and the occasional small jump. (Did I mention I am NOT a brave rider)?


Star is the pasture mate of Mae and came with her as a package deal. The girls had been together since they were young so I hated the idea of separating them, and my friend needed to  downsize. So what’s one more? She is a seventeen year old Arab, and her sire had Khemosabi bloodlines. I call her Twinkle Toes and you’d know why when you see her suspended trot. She is curious, loves to ruffle your hair, and is my “assistant” when I scrub out the water tanks. She is solidly broke and the young woman who finished off her training under saddle still comes to ride her. (Have I mentioned I am NOT a brave rider?) She is sweet and has a sound mind, and one day I will get on her. Stay tuned…


I fell in love with Pomeranians with Max, a Pom cross who lived with us for fourteens years, the last three with congestive heart failure. When Max passed, I wasn’t ready for a new one, but weeks later as I surfed the web looking at dog adoption options I stumbled onto All American Mutt Rescue’s website. I took one look at the picture of Gizmo and my fingered filled out the adoption application without another thought. He was already four when he arrived at our home three years ago. All my concerns of adopting and older dog and their “bad habits” vanished in a few weeks. Gizmo is about the happiest dog I know and seems to carry a perpetual smile. He loves roaming the farm, walking the trails, car rides, lots of cuddles and when you say “Squirrel!” he is ready to defend his kingdom from the demon scourge. The university where I work hosts a Study Paws during finals week. It’s a great event when students can de-stress with the dogs of faculty and staff. Gizmo is a bit of a star and gladly accepts the hugs and treats. His pics show up all over social media. Hard to resist that face!


Chico’s age is unknown. He showed up at the barn in North Carolina where my daughter, Alaina kept her horse. That was ten years ago. For three days he played touch-me-don’t-touch me. Finally Alaina ignored his soft growls and just picked him up. And just like that he gave his heart to her. Being in the Air Force, Alaina lives a nomadic life. Chico has been to Germany, and Wyoming and when she deployed to places she could not take him, he came to live with us.  He is a quirky, sun-loving little guy, with ears bigger than his head and will chase anything that crosses our yard: birds, squirrels, and deer. And loves nothing more than sleeping under a blanket in the crook of your legs, except maybe food. He loves his food.

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