Home & Barn


When we moved into the farmhouse in 1998, I was certain that was the last place I’d live. Joke’s on me! Last month we bought a new home.

I love the farmhouse and consider it a privilege (and adventure) to have lived there for the last 23 years. But things change. We hit the typical too-big syndrome many people encounter once the kids have moved on. Both the house, and land were way, way more than we needed, or wanted at this point.

So, last summer we began a search for a new home. Thanks to my ever supportive, and I-don’t-mind-a-bit real estate agent, we trekked through house after house. It was an adaption of the Goldilocks tale; some too big, too small; too much work; no pasture; no garage, or some combination that took it off the list.

Finally, we found our “just right.” Smaller house, enough pasture, and the right price. She needs a bit of work to make it ours. But it feels right. Stay tuned for updates on our newest journey!

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