Fall Photo Contest
Art,  Visual Art

1st Autumn Online Photo Show – Barns in Autumn

I love old barns. With walls weathered to grey or a mellow red, they sit alone in a field riot with yellow grasses and faded summer flowers. Sometimes, they lean as if bracing against years of wind and storms. I wonder about the people who built the barn. Rough hands, scarred by years of farmwork, maybe next to softer hands of their children, hammer and saw, build and repair something so integral to their lives. Inside the air smells faintly of hay and animal.  Sunshine streams through windows or slatted walls, and it’s silent but for a flap of a bird startled by an unexpected visitor. There may be someone’s initials carved into a post, or an old bit of leather harness still hanging on a hook. The walls witnessed birth and death, the stomp and soft snort of a favorite horse, laughter and despair, and maybe stolen kisses. Barns were the heart of the farm and a symbol of a time when humans were closer to the earth. Old barns tug at me, even more so, in the fall. The hot summer days morph into a burst of color and bounty and then ease into the slower, quieter time of fall and winter. And the barn stands and protects the harvest, and waits for the spring. It is is a symbol of both closure and renewal. That is how an old barn feels to me.

So here’s your chance to share your vision of an old barn in autumn. My very first online photo show, Barns in Autumn, will post in early October. Here are the rules;

  1. Email northgirl64@gmail.com, and attach no more than two (2) pictures.
  2. Any location is acceptable.
  3. The photo must be original work of the submitter.
  4. Include your full name, the date of the photo, where it was taken, and any title you may have. This will be included in the show.
  5. It is fine to protect your photo with your name in a lower corner.
  6. Feel free to include your website, if applicable, to be included in my show post.
  7. Please submit no later than 09/30/2019.
  8. The photographer is responsible for any and all releases or permission of an identifiable person(s) in a submitted photo.

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comment area of this post. While this is not a typical contest, and I hope to post all photos, I reserve the right to not use a photo that does not fit the criteria of the showing or the rules. I also reserve the right to change the size of a photo to best fit the post. The submission deadline may change.

Let’s savor the fall and barns.


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